July 16 2024

Tue 16 July 2024


Going to be playing a bit of catch-up, since it's been a few months.

Work is still workin' -- I've got some coaching going on, and am still working mainly with one team on consulting. It's been fun times, and the gig is flexible enough that I've gone essentially part time for July and August. More time for...activities!

Since last time, I headed over to Morocco for a few weeks on the bike (shipped the bike to Malaga, and rode via the ferry around the more rural parts, including the earthquake-stricken parts).

It's definitely an eye-opener to see parts of the world that are still so rapidly developing -- someone who's done the trip a few times said that every time they come back, there's less gravel and more tarmac. This is obviously a good thing for most people, but it brings home that there are still parts of the world you should go see before they disappear. It was always on my list to go to Kyiv and Visit Pripyat; guess that's on hold.


Of course, the minute I got off the bike to do any other activities, I managed to nearly murder myself -- I flipped a dune buggy off a sand dune in the Sahara, which landed on my foot, breaking it (not too badly, but enough to be swollen and sore for a bit). No sign f an emergency department out there, so that had to wait a few days 'til it was home time.


That'll learn me to do things. It's July now (about 3 months later) so all back to close to 100%.

Plans for rest-of-year are to maybe update here more? And also keep myself busy with working with teams on fun projects.

Category: Log Tagged: log motorcycle travel