May 09 2023
Tue 09 May 2023
In among posts about fiddling with electronics and occasional life updates, here's a life update!
My partner (and now fiancee, I guess?) isn't very present on the internet, and escews social media in fairly impressive ways. But, we've been together for close to 15 years, so we decided to make it official.
I say 'we' -- we still did the proposal and...dare I say formal part of things, but it very much felt like we were taking a further step on a closeness that has stood to us and will endure, I think. We're both very private, and very contrary when it comes to going through motions, so I suspect this'll be a paperwork thing
There's a calm in knowing that no matter where your head takes you, you get to come home to (or, indeed, stay home with) your favourite person.
Even if my head is tired and uncooperative and in 6 different directions (more on that later!), this is Real and Special and Lovely.
Another 50 years or so, then we'll see.