November 21 2023

The last few weeks were a bit of a hive of activity. I went back to work, started a small business, and went from no-busy-at-all levels of work-related concentration to quite-busy-and-not-very-stressful-yet. I'm going to be doing more than just coaching, but that's for another time.
Earlier this year, I asked J to marry me, and she said alright I guess. We're both very low-key about this sort of thing, so had a wee ceremony as mandated by the state (8 minutes!) and caught a few days away, being fed to an astonishing degree.
J is mostly not online, so that's about all the detail y'alls get -- this is a very nice thing. She has been family for a few years at least by now, so it's tempting to describe this as a formality or delve too deep into this Not Being a Big Deal, No Really. But, it is. I like this lady a lot and now I get to like her forever. Pretty class.
October 20 2023

A lot has happened over the last few months, so rather than a big catch-all post, I'm going to do a few posts over the next few weeks.
The last week or so have been my first 'in the office', so to speak, since March. As is patently obvious to …
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May 09 2023
In among posts about fiddling with electronics and occasional life updates, here's a life update!
My partner (and now fiancee, I guess?) isn't very present on the internet, and escews social media in fairly impressive ways. But, we've been together for close to 15 years, so we decided to make …
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An Update on Life
The last few months have been a bit hectic, let's say that.
In work, a few things happened. I got promoted to 'Director', which is the top end of the management progression, bottom of executive. What either of these mean, I'll probably never know. About a year or so …
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Alive and Thinkin'
I am alive. Apologies to folks who were following the electronics stuff
-- the short version is that it worked, although I didn't get to use it
'in anger' as such. The other thing I learned is that when traveling
through UK customs on the week of a royal wedding, having …
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