Not bad, as Castles go

Mon 28 February 2011

Myself and Favourite Lady took the weekend off to head to Dromoland (warning: terrible website will make all your orifices bleed rage). It was nice to get out to that part of the country again. Roomservice breakfast while reading the sunday papers is one of the best things ever.

We also had the opportunity to visit Bunratty Castle, which I'd last visited as a tiny nipper when my dad used to bring school tours there. We saw some chickens begging for scones.


Then we saw some of the old biscuits known to man. Shows how the old Kimberley/Mikado/Coconut Cream combination has stood the test.


Today, I'm flying off to the Bay area for a few weeks to issue barked instructions to nerds. I have a few posts lined up about the electronics stuff I'm doing, but they can be spread out over the next few weeks so I can resume when I get back. Inventing is interesting.

(I'm writing this from the Delta Sky Club in JFK, which gets a solid meh out of ten. The normal-person waiting area has iPads).

Category: Log Tagged: imported bunratty chickens castles dromoland travel update