January 01 2015

So, every October or so, I ask HR at work for a report of people on my team (I have somehow tricked The Company, or they have tricked me, into being responsible for about 40 people) who haven't taken enough vacation, since we can only carry over 5 days. Due …
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December 07 2014

The last of this year's travel is ongoing. I haven't had a weekend in NYC in a while, and it's managed not to snow this time. A decent day yesterday walking around the park and times square in the rain, and visiting MoMA for a bit.
This week is more …
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November 12 2014

Home again, at least until next month.
You'd almost think they missed me.
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November 4 2014

Excellent korean BBQ is a lot less cheaty than sausage and stodge.
As hoped, got a bunch of stuff done on the plane, and managed to not have an awful flight. I can tell my sinuses aren't going to like it later, but for the moment I can take solace …
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November 1 2014

Off to Mountain View in the morning for 3 days, then onwards to New York. I haven't been to MTV since January, or NYC since June, so I guess I'm due in both.
This is the aeroplane survival kit. I don't sleep on planes, and Aer Lingus have transatlantic WiFi …
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