October 21 2014

At a work conference in Munich, which I've never been to before. From what I have seen of restaurants here, it is a Paleo disaster, so I've been pretty cheat-y so far.
As middle-european cities go, it's pretty nice -- ageing but efficient train service, pants-shitting taxi rides from the airport …
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October 18 2014

More inactivity! Mainly it's been ridiculously busy in work, mostly around performance reviews and a number of things sneaking up on me. They're sneaky, those things.
Doing a little more travel before the end of the year -- Munich, London, Mountain View and New York (twice). Yay. I've been very travel-light …
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October 05 2014

Trying to keep this thing up by doing worthwhile things. That was the idea, right?
I've been trying Paleo for the last few weeks, with a drop of about 1.1kg per week so far. Seems normal enough for exercise free diet change (from previous experience), and it's a bit …
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September 16th 2014

Away in Zurich for a few days with work. Partially to meet a bunch of people, but also to get into the practice of being away from home in small doses. I've a few more trips coming up (London, Munich, etc) that'll also help.
I've been dealing with a bit …
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September 12th 2014

Second week back, and seeing what my job ends up looking like for the next while. Think 'busy'. I'm trying to nail down travel until the end of the year, it being increasingly impossible. I'll be in Zurich for a while next week, and after that is anyone's guess.
Other …
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