September 7th 2014

First week back at work - done!
Things have been more physically tiring than otherwise. I've been trying to nail down the next couple of months travel wise, and managed to make it into work on the bike
two days out of five, which was good. That's been helped along by …
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August 31st 2014

Last day of leave, and a day of normalcy and domesticity. Mainly hung around and enjoyed the last of the days since the end of June, when I last went near work. Tomorrow will see some hectic times, when I figure out what's happened while I've been away. If I've …
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August 23rd 2014

Not a lot got done today, which is as it should be. Went for a wee motorcycle ride, which turned into a spin to, and around the phoenix park. Getting more confident and enjoying it more now that there are fewer moments of pant-shitting terror. More of this this week …
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August 22nd 2014

I think this is the last of the work on the new house. Today, the painting of the exterior finished, the plumbing was finished inside, and the garage/shed got alarmed (we quickly calmed it down). Just in time for a week left in my time off work!
All that's …
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August 20th 2014

Sleep cycle being fucked up. That's the holiday sensation I know so well!
Last weekend, I was at a large (well, the largest of its kind in Ireland), Airsoft game, which meant a lot of driving and walking around, and not a lot of sleep. My feeble hu-man body is …
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