WOMC: Nomad Variables as Secrets

Fri 03 November 2023

Standard disclaimer: Maybe don't do this in production? I hear Hashicorp also does a secret store :-)

Nomad 1.4.0 added support for 'variables', which are essentially key/value blobs protected by nomad's ACL system. As someone who had steadfastly avoided either running vault, or doing secrets properly, I knew …

Category: Tech Tagged: log #worksonmycluster tech

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October 20 2023

Fri 20 October 2023


A lot has happened over the last few months, so rather than a big catch-all post, I'm going to do a few posts over the next few weeks.

The last week or so have been my first 'in the office', so to speak, since March. As is patently obvious to …

Category: Log Tagged: log life motorcycle brains

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6 Reasons You Don't Need an SRE Team

Wed 21 June 2023

The last several years have seen a huge upsurge in the popularity of the DevOps/SRE/Production Engineering model, with companies large and small adopting some of the practices and mindsets. One of the principal lessons many of these organisations (hopefully) learned was that it's close to impossible to adopt …

Category: Writing Tagged: writing sre

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June 19 2023

Mon 19 June 2023


My last few weeks have ended up with me having about 30% of my regular day-job meeting/stuff-I-gotta-do load; due to a perfect storm of school stuff and other adventures (I'm currently collecting driving license categories! Trailer learner permit coming and sitting some theory tests for Truck license).

Other adventures …

Category: Log Tagged: log

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