June 08 2023

Thu 08 June 2023

I've mostly ported my homelab across, and took the opportunity to add actual monitoring and actual resiliency. I'll do a post on the janky setup.

I've also (thanks to some kind mastodaoine) gotten set up with restic to some remote storage. I'm glad software like this is still being made …

Category: Log Tagged: log

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What Would It Take?

Fri 12 May 2023

One of the most constructive things I've found when facing a difficult work situation is to externalise and write things down -- I do quite well with talking things through with folks, and coaching and mentoring is something I get a lot of energy out of. When it's just me and …

Category: Writing Tagged: work coaching

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May 09 2023

Tue 09 May 2023

In among posts about fiddling with electronics and occasional life updates, here's a life update!

My partner (and now fiancee, I guess?) isn't very present on the internet, and escews social media in fairly impressive ways. But, we've been together for close to 15 years, so we decided to make …

Category: Log Tagged: log life

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April 25 2023

Tue 25 April 2023

Further adventures in pretending homelab is real work!

This week, I've actually been hacking on getting restic running semi-regularly. It turns out (or at least, I've found by experimentation) that the way nomad does scheduled/periodic jobs means that the periodic jobs don't have access to variables the core job …

Category: Log Tagged: log #worksonmycluster

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April 17 2023

Mon 17 April 2023

I've been gradually rolling out more homelab updates, including whats turned into a bit of a rebuild and de-flakiness effort. Nothing like a bit of sunlight to realise that things need a proper looking at :-)

It's also been pretty good for my brain, I think -- having the benefit of really …

Category: Log Tagged: log #worksonmycluster

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